Freshers’ Day is a welcome party to newcomers and a gesture of extending the friendly atmosphere and to be motivating factors for juniors. The aim of conducting this day is to make the juniors feel welcome and to interact with them.The new academic year brings happiness and joy with the arrival of the juniors. To welcome them to the department and make them feel at home, the institute organizes a ‘Freshers’ Day’, giving the new comers a step towards their graduation from the schooling days.
“A hundred new faces, but a million dreams” is what this occasion can be best described as. Welcoming these hundred odd bright faces to an unchartered ocean of knowledge… fear and anxiety are bound to creep into these novice minds. The college realizing the importance, organized the freshers’ day on July which made them to feel at home, and imbibe in them the faith that they are not alone. This kind of interactive celebration at the beginning of the academic year removes any chances of ragging and other attempts of remorse activities. This college enjoys a nil report of ragging and eve-teasing in all these five years.